Three Men for Thee

In the Realm of Politics, Prophecy, and the Supernatural

About the show

Interviews with authors, politicians, pastors, and other people with relevant current views concerning Christian values in today's times relating to politics, prophecy, and the supernatural. Three Men For Thee is a Christian ministry founded upon the core belief that Jesus Christ (as revealed in the Holy Scriptures) is the second Person of the Trinity. Being God in the flesh (Immanuel), He took on a physical body so He could have blood which He shed for the sins of all mankind upon the cross of Calvary. Having proved His deity by rising from the grave (tomb) on the third day (as predicted and recorded in the Holy Scriptures), and since we are His creation, our very purpose and reason for being is to bring praise, honor and glory to Christ for all of eternity. Having so stated, we offer this ministry for His glory and honor and for the furtherance of His kingdom.


  • Episode 86: Part 1 Stephanie Maier and "The Righteous Fight"

    October 25th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  46 mins 56 secs
    america, belief, bible, books, christianity, churches, communication, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, language, lifestyles, missions, pastors, politics, revelations, seminary, students, truth, vision

    Stephanie Maier describes what's happening in our Nation Today as we talk about her book "The Righteous Fight - Reclaiming the Soul of America". Stephanie shares what's happening in our churches in our government in the workplace and in our schools and how Christians need to take a stand for the values that God wants us to follow. If we don't the consequences are very dangerous. Listen to both parts of this interview to be enlightened and enriched So what we need to do now for our nation.

  • Episode 85: Stand America

    October 8th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  26 mins 49 secs
    america, belief, bible, christianity, churches, communication, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, language, lifestyles, missions, pastors, politics, revelations, seminary, students, truth, vision

    Bishop E.W. Jackson shares with Americans what we need to do to Stand up for America. What this means is what Christians need to do in these times to stand up and be strong, be a voice that's being heard so that we can correct the boat that's sinking so that we can fix the boat that's sinking so that we can navigate to the future that God wants us to have in this great nation. Remember “we the people“ established this nation created under God. Let us not forget it let us preserve it and strengthen it.

  • Episode 84: Message 9 Daniel Elkins "Hero helping Heros"

    October 7th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  21 mins 52 secs
    america, belief, bible, christianity, churches, communication, education, faith, family, freedom, god, help, heroes, history, hope, lifestyles, military, politics, saving america, truth, vision, warriors

    Daniel Elkins Chief of Staff for the Independence Fund shares with the listeners you can help heroes of America. In this story Daniel will tell you the importance of your contributions and efforts as you recognize those who have been wounded for their service to protect our freedom. Don't miss this opportunity where you can be a hero for another hero.

  • Episode 83: Message 8 Fr. Frank Pavone

    October 7th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  25 mins 52 secs
    abortion, america, belief, bible, catholic, christianity, churches, communication, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, lifestyles, pastors, politics, seminary, truth, vision

    One of the most prominent pro-life leaders in the world. He is National Director of Priests for Life, President of the National Pro-life Religious Council, and the National Pastoral Director of the Silent No More Campaign and of Rachel’s Vineyard, the world’s largest ministry of healing after abortion.

  • Episode 82: Message 7 With Andrew W Greene

    October 6th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  31 mins 38 secs
    america, belief, bible, books, christianity, churches, college, communication, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, lifestyles, missions, politics, students, truth, universities, vision

    An amazing interview with Andrew W. Greene the founder, and President of Students for America. Listen to Andrew’s story and what led him to start this organization to connect college students all across the nation with other Christian college students building faith that needs to be built in these times.

  • Episode 81: Scott Coburn and Christian Communication

    October 6th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  26 mins 52 secs
    america, belief, bible, christianity, churches, communication, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, lifestyles, missions, phones, politics, technology, truth, vision
  • Episode 80: Message 5 with Dr. Tom Phillips

    October 4th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  25 mins 39 secs
    america, belief, bible, books, christianity, churches, communication, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, language, lifestyles, missions, pastors, politics, revelations, seminary, students, truth, vision

    Interview with Dr. Tom Phillips is vice president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA).

  • Episode 79: Message 4 Trevor Adams "Standing Your Ground"

    October 3rd, 2022  |  Season 2  |  24 mins 22 secs
    believing, christianity, communications, disney, entertainment, faith, media, tv, wokeness

    Trevor shares his journey in the media industry and how the wokeness can affect a control outstanding technical media people. Listen to his journey and what he was put through. Trevor never gave up as a Christian. He stood his ground. He did not let corporations change his beliefs or his attitudes or his actions. His message should resume to all Christians in today's times. We need to be more like Trevor.
    Trevor Adams is a former ESPN Disney employee. TV communications and media specialists. Trevor has brought many sporting events to the TV, and he's worked on other shows such as The Apprentice the bachelor and chop the cooking show. Trevor is married with one daughter they're now living in Charlotte NC. Trevor is now using his expert communication skills to share his knowledge with others in the realms of art and entertainment and media.

  • Episode 78: Message 3 Chad Hawley founder of NEXUS Mountain Network

    October 3rd, 2022  |  Season 2  |  21 mins 41 secs
    chad, christians, communication, hawley, leading, media, mission, networks, news, nexus, opportunities, salt and light, three men for thee

    Chad Hawley is a founder of NEXUS mountain network. We are honored to interview him at the 2022 salt and light conference in Charlotte NC. CHad shares with our listeners his story of leaving the pharmacy industry and starting a Christian network that is spreading worldwide. Listen to this amazing story and connect on his app to join other Christians in discussions among each other about the mountains we need to climb the missions we need to be involved in they can be in the family, the home, the workplace, arts and entertainment, the media, and the government. God wants us everywhere to spread his word and Chad spreads this message with us.

  • Episode 77: Message 2 Jordan Stein with Gunowners of America

    October 2nd, 2022  |  Season 2  |  20 mins 52 secs
    christianity, constitution, guns, laws, protection, regulations, safety

    Interview with Jordan Stein SE regional director of gun owners of America. Truth about gun rights, constitutional rights of gun owners in America, regulations, training, and additional information everyone needs to know to protect themselves in these times. Also, a reminder to all listeners that we do have the right to bear arms as given to us in the constitution. As we talk with Jordan Stein learned the correct way to be a gun owner in America

  • Episode 76: Message 1 from the Salt and Light Conference 2022

    October 1st, 2022  |  Season 2  |  23 mins 34 secs
    belief, bible, books, christianity, churches, communication, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, pastors, politics, revelations, seminary, students

    Interview with Dr. Elizabeth Enns regarding the education we need to bring to our elementary and high schools in these times. We must save our nation which was founded under the principals of God.

  • Episode 75: Matt & Allision Willis

    September 26th, 2022  |  Season 2  |  33 mins 3 secs
    belief, bible, books, christianity, churches, communication, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, language, lifestyles, master life, missions, pastors, politics, seminary, students, truth, vision

    Interview with Matt and Allison Willis. Discussions about their creation of the mew Master Life Together program. How to lead others in Christian leadership. Dialogue about Matts responsibilities as the Mission Pastor at Calvary Church in Winston-Salem N.C. The important role of husband and wife as team leaders. Matt also shares information about his book “Learning To Soar”.