Three Men for Thee
In the Realm of Politics, Prophecy, and the Supernatural
About the show
Interviews with authors, politicians, pastors, and other people with relevant current views concerning Christian values in today's times relating to politics, prophecy, and the supernatural. Three Men For Thee is a Christian ministry founded upon the core belief that Jesus Christ (as revealed in the Holy Scriptures) is the second Person of the Trinity. Being God in the flesh (Immanuel), He took on a physical body so He could have blood which He shed for the sins of all mankind upon the cross of Calvary. Having proved His deity by rising from the grave (tomb) on the third day (as predicted and recorded in the Holy Scriptures), and since we are His creation, our very purpose and reason for being is to bring praise, honor and glory to Christ for all of eternity. Having so stated, we offer this ministry for His glory and honor and for the furtherance of His kingdom.
Episode 96: Episode 96 John & Tanya James
August 28th, 2023 | Season 2 | 42 mins 20 secs
archaeology, bible, church, death, depression, evil, forgiveness, god, jesus, leadership, missions, salvation, usa
John James former Newsboys co-founder and lead singer together with his wife Tanya James, recording artist are both motivational speakers. As founders of i-reach USA . Today God is using this powerful couple as a wonderful team for His glory. With a heart, passion and love for the Lord, God is using their lifelong testimony to inspire the Local Church with their devotion to God and their responsibility to live a life worthy of the calling we all have received. From a platform in local church's, conferences, men's and ladies' events, youth rallies, drug and alcohol recovery meetings and school assemblies, the message of the Kingdom of God is boldly preached, and lives are being impacted.
Episode 98: Christian movie producer-Cornelius Muller
August 23rd, 2023 | Season 2 | 37 mins 10 secs
acting, america, belief, bible, christianity, churches, communication, confrontation, cornelius muller, education, faith, family, film, god, help, history, hope, language, lifestyles, mission outreach, missions, movies, pastors, politics, prayer, production, students, technology, three men for thee, truth, vision, winston-salem
Cornelius Muller Productions is a North Carolina-based film company in the business of producing independent motion pictures. Our goal is to generate sustainable income to fund charities such as Feed The Hunger and organizations that provide clean water access to those in need. We are dedicated to producing family films that inspire, uplift and entertain; from story concept, script to screen that captivate film audiences worldwide. By creating film projects with high production value and a budget friendly construct, we deliver satisfying and dependable Hollywood level entertainment to all markets domestically and internationally.
Episode 95: Episode 95 The Reids
August 16th, 2023 | Season 2 | 32 mins 6 secs
christian, david, faith, god, gospel songs., jesus, justina, matthew, megan, music, sammy, singing, the reids, witnessing
Interview with an amazing Christian musical family “The Reids”. Learn what led them to their salvation and what leads them now to spreading the gospel through the music talents they all have. Join us in welcoming David, Justina, Sammy, Megan, and Matthew. You also will hear a live recording of one of their soon to be released new songs “Thy Word”.
Episode 94: Episode 94 Give'em Jesus with author Fred Hege
June 5th, 2023 | Season 2 | 48 mins 29 secs
believing, christ, christian, discovery, faith, god, helping, leadership, leading, salvation, seeds, teaching
Interview with the author Mr. Fred Hege as we discuss how to witness to others as we spread Christs salvation message. The authors book "Give'em Jesus" is the only soul winner's handbook you will ever need as stated by the author.
Episode 93: Interview with Retired CSM Alex Nelson
May 22nd, 2023 | Season 2 | 37 mins 29 secs
alex, christians, community, government, gymnastics, helping, leadership, military, nelson, politics, serving, war
Discover the journey of a great Christian leader from the time his salvation, serving in the military, and leading our future generation in the realms of award-winning gymnastics.
Episode 92: Yaroslav Pyzh
May 15th, 2023 | Season 2 | 33 mins 9 secs
belief, bible, christianity, churches, communication, confrontation, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, language, missions, pastors, politics, revelations, seminary, students, truth, vision
Yaroslav Pyzh is not only the President of Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary he is also married and the father of three children. He is a man of great optimism, enthusiastic about developing people and passionate about church planting movement. Learn what the seminary in now doing in Ukraine.
Episode 91: Missionary in the Middle East
May 4th, 2023 | Season 2 | 37 mins 26 secs
africa, america, belief, bible, books, christianity, churches, communication, confrontation, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, india, language, lifestyles, missions, pastors, politics, revelations, seminary, students, tanzania, truth, vision
An amazing interview with Pastor Thomas (identity protected). Hear how a missionary came to faith and is now serving to spread the gospel in the Middle East. For over 30 years this man has not slowed down as he is on the mission to serv God to an unreached people. This conversation will be inspirational for you.
Episode 90: David Horner-Equipped for life
April 15th, 2023 | Season 2 | 46 mins 7 secs
belief, bible, books, christianity, churches, communication, confrontation, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, language, missions, pastors, politics, revelations, seminary, students, truth, vision
Listen to the words of pastor David Horner (retired and he has not stopped) about his journey as he has spread Gods gospel and continues to do so by equipping pastors, and families both locally and globally!
Episode 105: Interview with Eric Hollifield
January 6th, 2023 | Season 2 | 20 mins 25 secs
accountability, advocacy, and awareness., and awareness. accountability, and elected officials by providing an avenue for aid, communities, employees, eric is a quality and processing engineer by profession. and is volunteering with christian perspective representatives for your county with a mission to revive biblical support for our county's citizens
Eric is a quality and Processing Engineer by profession. And is volunteering with Christian Perspective Representatives for YOUR county with a mission to revive Biblical support for our county's citizens, communities, employees, and elected officials by providing an avenue for aid, advocacy, accountability, and awareness. accountability, and awareness.
Episode 89: On Mission in the Ukraine War with Christian Hickey
November 15th, 2022 | Season 2 | 56 mins 5 secs
america, belief, bible, christianity, churches, communication, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, language, lifestyles, missions, pastors, politics, revelations, truth, ukraine, vision, war
Triple A Authority was founded by a Christian. A Christian who after serving as a United States Marine, as a Law Enforcement Officer, and as a United States Green Beret, answered the Call to come to Ukraine and Give all that he has learned back to the Ukrainian People.
“It was revealed to me at a young age that I would serve God full-time in Ministry. What I didn’t know was that God would use all of me for his purpose. All my faults, my good works, and my career decisions, to implement a missionary field that only his wisdom could construct”.
Therefore, I go without fear, without hesitation, and without regard for what we perceive as security. Because my Security is in Christ. With a divine purpose and mission given to me by our God, I go Boldly in Christ's name with his Authority.
Our primary mission involves gaining access and placement with Ukrainian Soldiers in order to preach the Gospel. However, with winter at our doorstep, the Holy Spirit has revealed a need for missions that consist of delivering food, stoves, and firewood to the most vulnerable (consistently elderly along the line of contact).
Then, when the time has come, and the elderly cannot hold out anymore, due to their dire situation (lack of food, freezing conditions, security), we express our love by going into harms way, to find them, receive them, and bring them to a warm/safe location.
It’s through time and interactions with Triple A Authority that Christ is revealed. How we speak, how we train, and how we operate. It’s my hope that every Ukrainian we come in contact with has an opportunity to be ministered to Spiritually.
Thus far, we have seen an overwhelming pouring out of the Holy Spirit during these opportunities. What has happened during this time in Ukraine has been and can be only from the Lord. -
Episode 88: Anya Chernikova - A shining light in Ukraine
November 10th, 2022 | Season 2 | 43 mins 26 secs
america, belief, bible, christ, christianity, churches, communication, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, lifestyles, missions, politics, students, truth, ukraine, vision, war
Interview with Anya Chernikova in Ukraine. During the war Anya and her family decided to remain in Ukraine. She was displaced from her birth, home city had to leave all of her belongings behind because of the war. Her family relocated to western Ukraine and made the decision to stay, to be brave and be a shining light to Ukraine. Now Anya is working with Lantern Rescue, and also Morning Star which is her home church as they help the IDPS in Ukraine (individually displaced people). Anya is helping to provide shelter, food, clothing, medical needs, and most importantly spiritual needs. What an example this young lady is setting as other young people should watch and respond in the ways that she is helping during this war.
Episode 87: Part 2 Interview with Stephanie Maier and "The Righteous Fight"
October 26th, 2022 | Season 2 | 39 mins 36 secs
america, belief, bible, books, christianity, churches, communication, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, language, lifestyles, missions, pastors, politics, revelations, seminary, students, truth, vision
Stephanie Maier describes what's happening in our Nation Today as we talk about her book "The Righteous Fight - Reclaiming the Soul of America". Stephanie shares what's happening in our churches in our government in the workplace and in our schools and how Christians need to take a stand for the values that God wants us to follow. If we don't the consequences are very dangerous. Listen to both parts of this interview to be enlightened and enriched So what we need to do now for our nation.