Three Men for Thee
In the Realm of Politics, Prophecy, and the Supernatural
We found 10 episodes of Three Men for Thee with the tag “christians”.
Episode 134: Episode 134: Mark Koch
March 12th, 2025 | Season 2 | 37 mins 34 secs
actor, bible, christians, devotions, faith, family, film, first hour, herbert i burns jr, leader, lost in space, mark koch, movies, prelude films, prelude publishing, scriptures, the father, three men for thee, work, workout
Join us today in an amazing interview with Mark Koch. Mark is an amazing film director, and you may have seen many of his films like Lost in Space, Black Dog, The Perfect Game, and many others. In the interview, as we talk with Mark, we discover when he reached a turning point in his life and what led him to that destination. Mark is now leading and producing movies in a very special way now. This is an amazing story, listen to it all from the beginning until the end and you will truly be blessed. You will also learn how to begin the first hour of your day. Like, comment, and share this with as many of your friends that you would like to inspire also.
Episode 133: Andy Bowersox and the Energize Ministries,
March 6th, 2025 | Season 2 | 39 mins 3 secs
andy bowersox, christians, churches, helping others, herbert i burns jr, leaders, ministry, pastors, retreat, three men for thee
Episode 130: With Kevin Sorbo
January 31st, 2025 | Season 2 | 29 mins 58 secs
actors, carl martin, christians, helping others, herbert i burns jr, hercules, jack bales, kevin sorbo, leadership, movies, service
Interview with Kevin Sorbo. Many people know Kevin as the actor of Hercules in the movie series. But now more importantly people recognize Kevin as a Christian author, actor and movie producer. Our podcast team has an incredible conversation with Mr. Sorbo as we discover his path in life which has led him to what he is doing today as he fulfills God’s mission and vision for him.
Episode 129: Part 2: Leadership in these times with Chris Widener
January 27th, 2025 | Season 2 | 22 mins 22 secs
author, carl martin, chris widener, christians, gods mission, herb burns, jack bales, leadership, public speaker, the coming american revival, three men for thee
Chris considers it a privilege to be able to speak to people, help them lead successful lives, become extraordinary leaders and, masterful salespeople.
Episode 128: Leadership in these times with Chris Widener
January 16th, 2025 | Season 2 | 39 mins 27 secs
author, carl martin, chris widener, christians, gods mission, herb burns, jack bales, leadership, public speaker, the coming american revival, three men for thee
Chris considers it a privilege to be able to speak to people, help them lead successful lives, become extraordinary leaders and, masterful salespeople.
Episode 126: Hurricane Helene NC news update with Christian Hickey
October 10th, 2024 | Season 2 | 34 mins 45 secs
caro martin, christian hickey, christians, churches, disasters, god, help, herb burns, hurricane, jack bales, missions, north carolina, service, ukraine
Listeners hear this North Carolina Hurricane Helene news up date brought to you by the International podcast Team of "Three Men for Thee". Learn what the people of NC are doing. Also pray for our co-anchor Carl Martin in Tampa, FL. While we interview Christian Hickey another hurricane is going to be Carl's town very soon!
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Episode 101: Pastor Jessee Hailey
October 30th, 2023 | Season 2 | 37 mins 15 secs
christians, churches, growing in faith, herb burns, jack bales, jessee hailey, mission, new church planting., three men for thee, visions
Amazing story about planting Churches and spreading God's message for America.
Episode 93: Interview with Retired CSM Alex Nelson
May 22nd, 2023 | Season 2 | 37 mins 29 secs
alex, christians, community, government, gymnastics, helping, leadership, military, nelson, politics, serving, war
Discover the journey of a great Christian leader from the time his salvation, serving in the military, and leading our future generation in the realms of award-winning gymnastics.
Episode 78: Message 3 Chad Hawley founder of NEXUS Mountain Network
October 3rd, 2022 | Season 2 | 21 mins 41 secs
chad, christians, communication, hawley, leading, media, mission, networks, news, nexus, opportunities, salt and light, three men for thee
Chad Hawley is a founder of NEXUS mountain network. We are honored to interview him at the 2022 salt and light conference in Charlotte NC. CHad shares with our listeners his story of leaving the pharmacy industry and starting a Christian network that is spreading worldwide. Listen to this amazing story and connect on his app to join other Christians in discussions among each other about the mountains we need to climb the missions we need to be involved in they can be in the family, the home, the workplace, arts and entertainment, the media, and the government. God wants us everywhere to spread his word and Chad spreads this message with us.
Episode 60: Ukraine right now! 2-22-22
February 22nd, 2022 | Season 2 | 26 mins 42 secs
army, christians, churches, help, occupation, russia, support, ukraine
Hear what is happening now in Ukraine