Zena Montant
Special guest
Once an Orthordox Jew then a follower of the Mormans and finally a Christian. An amazing journy through two faiths that eventually led her path to Christianity. LIsten to this amazing route in her life.
Zena Montant has been a guest on 2 episodes.
Episode 40: Zena Montana the woman who found her faith
September 12th, 2020 | Season 2 | 40 mins 23 secs
america, belief, bible, books, christianity, churches, communication, confrontation, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, jew, language, lifestyles, mormon, pastors, politics, revelations, seminary, truth, vision
Zena was born as an Orthodox Jew and for 19 years. Then she was drawn into the Mormon faith for 19 years. After realizing the true values of that faith Zena was led to Christianity which is where she is today. Listen to her amazing story as she traveled these faith paths.
Episode 39: Zena Montana the woman who found her faith
September 1st, 2020 | Season 2 | 34 mins 28 secs
america, belief, bible, books, christianity, churches, communication, confrontation, education, faith, family, future, god, help, history, hope, jew, language, lifestyles, mormon, pastors, politics, revelations, seminary, truth, vision
Zea was born as an Orthodox Jew and for 19 years. Then she was drawn into the Mormon faith for 19 years. After realizing the true values of that faith Zena was led to Christianity which is were she is today. Listen to her amazing story as she traveled these faith paths.