Dwayne Carson
Special guest
Dwayne grew up in the country on a large farm that my dad owned on the James River in Amherst County Va. As a family we attended a small country church. At the age of twelve I joined church and was baptized. Since the age of thirteen I have felt God wanted me to preach. Most of my teenage years could be characterized as religious years. I was a good church-going country boy. My late teens, however, were rebellious years as I got involved in a number of things that most teenagers in the late 70’s got involved in. At twenty-one years of age, I realized something was missing in my life and joined a Southern Baptist Church. I answered the call to preach and began preaching in February of 1982. My pastor advised me to attend Criswell Bible College in Dallas, Texas. In August of 1982 I journeyed from Lynchburg, Virginia to Dallas. The chapel messages convicted me that I was not really saved. On February 15, 1983, I accepted the Lord as my Savior at a revival service. I spoke with Dr. W. A. Criswell the following night and asked if I could be baptized. I was baptized at First Baptist Church of Dallas the next Sunday. I asked Dr. Criswell about my calling, and he helped me understand how I was called before being saved. I was working for my salvation; now I was working for my Savior. While at First Baptist Church I had the privilege to work as an intern and preached in various revivals, church and rescue mission services. Through God's leading I transferred to Liberty University where I completed my pastoral degree in 1987 and then went on to attend Seminary.
In 1988 right after getting married I was asked to serve as one of the Campus Pastors and for 23 years I had the privilege to minister to thousands of students. I summed up my role there as providing ministry to students, mentoring students and mobilizing students.
In summer of 2018 I was asked to consider applying for the Head of School position at Salem Baptist Christian School. After several interviews the School Board offered the position to me, and we began leading the second oldest secondary Christian school in North Carolina.
As of June 3. 2022 we have transitioned from being the Head of School to purse the development of a new ministry called DATE THE WORD. DATE THE WORD Ministry is designed to help people get to know God’s Word better so that they know God better and then make God known!
As far as the doctrine I believe the Bible is the Word of God and is inspired, inerrant and infallible.
Dwayne Carson has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 127: Dwayne Carson & Project 316
November 21st, 2024 | Season 2 | 38 mins 52 secs
america, belief, bible, books, carl, christianity, churches, communication, confrontation, date the word, dwayne carson, education, faith, family, future, god, help, herbert i burns jr, history, hope, jack bales, language, martin, missions, pastors, politics, project 316, revelations, seminary, students, truth, vision